Midlife: When health isn’t a matter of course anymore

Published on 23 January 2021 at 22:57

What are your health routines on a daily base? Healthy routines may change over a lifetime, especially around the age of 40+. What gives you energy and wellbeing around the age of 25 will be very different when you reach premenopause or perimenopause.

Taking small breaks during a busy day can be very healthy and crucial for your wellbeing. Often when we are 40+, we have daily tasks that require a lot of our ongoing energy: combination of work, children, relationships, household etc. And in respect of the times we are in now: the stress we may experience comes on top of this all.

Premenopause and perimenopause can make us feel 'out of balance' even more. The energy management we were used to rely on, may change drastically because of hormon fluctuations and even health issues may occur. It's time to reflect on our daily self-care routines. What still works, what needs to adjust and what needs more time and attention from now on? 


Our bodies change quickly after 40. The flexibility of our muscles need more attention, stretching on a daily base often becomes very important to be able to use your body as you wish. Injuries may not heal not as quickly anymore. 'Until the age of 40 our body takes care of us, after 40 we have to take care of our bodies' (from the book: I'm lijfboek, I. Hoes & M. Schuurman).


Expression may also be a very effective tool to get 'through' perimenopause. How do you express what lives inside of you? How do you communicate your feelings and needs? Who listens and understands you? Are you listening to yourself? In what way supports your creativity your wellbeing?


What may help is to be conscious about your breathing also. A busy life may easily result into quick ('busy') breathing. Your breathing patron has a lot to do with the intensity of stressful feelings. Breathe in and out through your nose as much as possible. Exhale longer than inhale (in for 4 seconds, out for 8 or even more). Your can switch from your sympathetic nervous system (activates stress response) to your parasympathetic nervous system (rest state) by slow breathing. 


When we reach 40, health often doesn't come naturally anymore. It will become the number 1 priority on your 'to do' list. So, what are you doing for your health today :)? 



7 things every woman should do after she turns 40

120 small steps to big self-care

(Dutch) I'm lijfboek van Isa Hoes en Medina Schuurman (tip!)

Proper breathing brings better health

The physiological effects of slow breathing 


Dance more: 

Dance Workouts for 40+ (more breaks in between, no jumping)

And don't forget to freestyle, your own creative dance style rules! :) 



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